Visiting Fellows
Visiting student
Building 5, 3254-WS05
Italy born and raised, Andrea has carried out his studies at Politecnico di Milano, where he obtained his Master of Science degree in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology in 2020. During this period, he spent 7 months in Seville (Spain) at CicCartuja institute with an Erasmus+ scholarship to work on his Master's Thesis in the group of prof. H.Miguez. The essay dealt with the implementation of a novel perovskite nanocrystal synthesis method based on mesoporous matrixes in LED devices.
In October 2020 he joined the PVsquared2 group at the University of Pavia, led by prof. Giulia Grancini, to start his PhD journey in the field of perovskite photovoltaics. His main interests are verted on the development and implementation of low dimensional perovskites for stable and innovative photovoltaic devices.
Single junction perovskite solar cells, low-dimensional perovskites, interfaces tailoring