Research Scientists

Erkan Aydin

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Solar Energy, Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Scalable photovoltaics

Esma Ugur

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Solar Energy, Perovskite Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Photophysics of solar cells, Optical spectroscopy

Lujia Xu

Research Scientist

Research Interests: Perovskite/silicon  tandem optimization, Perovskite/silicon tandem stability, Solar cell optical simulation, Solar Cell Characterization, PV heating

Maxime Babics

Research Scientist Jan 2021- Aug 2023

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Scalable photovoltaics, Organic interlayers

Michele De Bastiani

Research Scientist 2017-2022 Department of Chemistry & INSTM Università di Pavia, Italy

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells

Randi Azmi

Research scientist

Research Interests: High Efficiency Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, Tandem Solar Cells, Device Physics

Xinbo Yang

Research Scientist 2017 - 2020 Now, Professor at Soochow University, China

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Novel Selective Contacts

Postdoctoral Fellows

Akmaral Seitkhan

Postdoctoral Fellow 2021- 2022
Now, Research Specialist at Kaust Catalysis Center

Research Interests: Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Photophysics of solar cells

Aren Yazmaciyan

Postdoctoral fellow 2022-2023 Now Postdoctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Martin Heeney

Research Interests: Electro-optics of solar cells and photodetectors, Charge generation and transport phenomena, Charge recombination dynamics, Electro-optical device simulations

Atteq ur Rehman

Postdoctoral Fellow 2019- 2021

Operations Engineer
KAUST Solar Center

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Metallization, Printed Contacts

Furkan Halis Isikgor

Postdoctoral Fellow 2018-2022
Research Scientist in the group of Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos

Research Interests: Novel Selective Contacts, Perovskite Solar Cells, Contact Passivation, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

George T. Harrison

Postdoctoral Fellow 2019- 2022 Now Postdoctoral fellow at the Prof. Shadi Fatayer's group

Research Interests: Spectroscopic and Microscopic imaging system, Surface Science, XPS, UPS

Helen Bristow

Postdoctoral Fellow 2022- 2023

Hoang X. Dang

​Postdoctoral Fellow​​
Sep 2015 - Dec 2018
Battery Researcher Queen's University, Canada

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Solar Energy

Jiang Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow
Oct 2018- Oct 2022
Faculty at the University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

Research Interests: Novel Selective Contacts, Perovskite Solar Cells

Jiantao Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Perovskite/Si tandem solar cells, tandem module

Kai Wang

Postdoctoral Fellow 2014-2019
Prof. Northwestern Polytechnical University

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Novel Selective Contacts

Marios Neophytou

Postdoctoral Fellow
June 2017-January 2018 Now, Operations Engineer at KAUST

Research Interests: Novel Selective Contacts, Perovskite Solar Cells

Muhammad Sajjad

​​Postdoctoral Fellow​ 2016-2019 Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi

Research Interests: Density functional theory

Pia Dally

Postdoctoral fellow

Research Interests: Surface analysis techniques, XPS, UPS

Shanshan Zhang

Postdoctoral fellow

Research Interests: Photovoltaic solar cells, Energy loss  analysis, Charge  carrier recombination

Waseem Raja

Postdoctoral Fellow 2020- 2023 ASML Netherland

Research Interests: Computational modelling

Wenzhu Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow
Associate Prof. Shangai Institute of Microsystem & Information Tech.

Research Interests: Solar Energy, Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

Masters Students

Bumin Kagan Yildirim

MSc. Student 2021-2023

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Faisal Al-Jamaan

MSc Student 2020-2021

Now, Consultant at Deloitte Riyadh

Research Interests: Transparent Conductive Oxides

Hang Xu

MSc Student 2107-2019 Now, PhD Student at KAUST 

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Solar Energy

Ohoud K. Alharbi

MSc student 2021-2022
PhD student at Imperial College London

Research Interests: Computational modelling, Tandem Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells

Rawan Jal​mood

MSc Student 2020-2022

Research Interests: Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Wenbo Yan

MSc student 2020-2022
PhD student at the Prof. Boon S. Ooi's group

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

PhD Students

Areej Alzahrani

PhD Student 2017- 2021 Now, Assistant Professor at Al-Baha University (Saudi Arabia)

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

Jingxuan Kang

PhD Student

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Novel Selective Contacts

Visiting Fellows

Abdulrahman Alhussain

Visiting researcher

Research Interests: Solar Energy, Perovskite Solar Cells, Tandem Solar Cells

Albaraa Aseeri

Intern Aug 2017 - Dec 2017 Technology Commercialization Strategist, Saudi Aramco

Research Interests: Transparent Conductive Oxides

Alessandro James Mirabelli

VSRP Intern
Aug 2019 - Feb 2020
PhD Student University of Cambridge

Research Interests: Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Andrea Zanetta

Visiting student

Research Interests: Single junction perovskite solar cells, low-dimensional perovskites, interfaces tailoring

Aslihan H. Babayigit

Visiting PhD Fellow 2019-2020 Hasselt University, Belgium

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Low band gap perovskites

Francesco Furlan

VSRP Intern Mar - Sept 2019
PhD Student Imperial College London

Research Interests: Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Novel Selective Contacts, Solar Energy

Francesco Toniolo

Visiting student

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

Gwennaël Dufil

Intern Mar- Jul 2018
PhD Student Linköping University, Sweden

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Novel Selective Contacts

Jorge Avila

​Visiting PhD Fellow
Jun-Sept 2019 Now, Postdoc at University of Granada, Spain

Research Interests: Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells

Jun Peng​

​Visiting PhD Fellow Now, Postdoc at Australian National University

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

Muhammad Ainul Yaqin

Intern Sept- March 2021

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

Noor Merdad

Intern 2018
PhD Student Kaust

Research Interests: Transparent Conductive Oxides

Oussama Er-raji

Visiting PhD student

Qi Zhang

Visiting PhD student

Salman Aboud

Intern 2019 Now, PhD student at Islamic University of Medina

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Transparent Conductive Oxides

Shohrukh Saidaminov

Visiting Student

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Wide Bandgap Perovskites

Shuai Li


Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

Simone Sansoni

​Visiting PhD Fellow
Oct 2019 - Apr 2020
PhD Student University of Padua, Italy

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Laser Ablation, Spray Coating

Suzana Kralj

Visiting student

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells, Charge transport layers, Transparent Conductive Oxides, Physical vapor deposition methods

Yifan Dang

VSRP Intern

Research Interests: Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, Transparent Conductive Oxides

SRSI Students

Hisham Almalki

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

KGSP Student

Faris Almohamed

​KGSP Intern​ Jun - Aug 2019
Master Student Kaust

Research Interests: Perovskite Solar Cells

Mohammed Alamer

Intern Jun- Aug 2021 Bachelor of Sciences,
University of Wisconsin (US)

Research Interests: Solar Energy

Rayan Albraidi

Intern Jul - Sept 2021

Now, Bachelor's degree student in Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, USA.  

Research Interests: Solar Energy, Silicon Solar Cells, Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells