Simone Sansoni joins KPV-LAB as a visiting PhD fellow from Padova University

17 October, 2019

​Simone recently joined Prof. De Wolf’s group as a Ph.D. visiting researcher for 3 months. He completed his Bachelor’s (2016) and Master’s (2018) degrees in Materials Science from Padova University. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the school of Science and Engineering of Materials and Nanostructures at Padova University. He is in the research group of Prof. Meneghetti (Chemicals Science Department) with the co-supervision of Prof. Meneghesso (Information Engineering Department). His Ph.D. work is focused on the synthesis and implementation of a new type of perovskite absorbing material into solar cells. At KPV-LAB, he will focus on the optimization of spray coating deposition for perovskite-silicon tandem applications. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with friends, going to the gym and playing the drum.

Simone Sansoni