Dr. Anand S. Subbiah joins KPV-LAB as a new member of perovskite team

26 May, 2019

​Anand has recently moved to KAUST from India, joining Prof. Stefaan De Wolf’s group at KAUST Solar Center as a postdoctoral fellow. He completed his M.Tech Degree in Nanotechnology from PSG College of Technology, India in 2012 and a Ph.D. degree in Energy Science and Engineering from IIT Bombay, India in 2019. His Ph.D. work focused on developing effective metal oxide selective contacts for flexible perovskite solar cells. At KPV-LAB, he aims towards the development of large area-high efficiency perovskite solar cells for integration with silicon solar cells, resulting in monolithic tandem devices. As for hobbies, he enjoys sketching, video games and plays table tennis.

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Anand S. Subbiah​